Advanced filters

Comma acts as OR, you can use % as a wildcard, at least one backtrace where all three fields are satisfied must exist to show the problem

Version range

ID Component Crash function State External bugs Probably fixed Count
593755 firefox
NEW 32
495263 firefox
NEW 31
595454 firefox
NEW 30
714259 firefox
js::gc::UnmarkGrayTracer::onChild(JS::GCCellPtr, char const*) [clone .cold]
NEW 28
573008 firefox
mozilla::dom::ipc::SharedStringMap::SharedStringMap(mozilla::ipc::FileDescriptor const&, unsigned long)
NEW 27
596546 firefox
mozilla::FFmpegVideoDecoder<60>::DoDecode(mozilla::MediaRawData*, unsigned char*, int, bool*, nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::MediaData> >&)
NEW 26
646416 nemo, virt-viewer, firefox, webkitgtk, mediawriter, clipit, xreader, gnome-terminal, vlc, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, network-manager-applet, totem, evolution, gpaste, qsynth, evince, libreport, audacity, flameshot, budgie-desktop, kdepim-runtime, xapps, goldendict, tilda, gnome-settings-daemon, plasma-browser-integration, transmission, filezilla, cinnamon, eog, ibus, xwaylandvideobridge, cinnamon-settings-daemon, polkit-gnome, evolution-data-server, kf5-kwallet
NEW 25
714917 firefox
NEW 23
703593 firefox
bool js::GCMarker::mark<2u, js::BaseShape>(js::BaseShape*)
NEW 23
703333 firefox
NEW 22
714582 firefox
NEW 22
698189 firefox
NEW 22
702636 firefox
NEW 21
703012 firefox
NEW 21
490851 firefox
NEW 21
529565 firefox
NEW 20
635050 firefox
mozilla::dom::Promise::CreateInfallible(nsIGlobalObject*, mozilla::dom::Promise::PropagateUserInteraction) [clone .constprop.0]
NEW 20
524195 firefox
NEW 20
697869 firefox
NEW 18
702656 firefox
NEW 18
572460 bubblewrap, firefox
NEW 18
702722 firefox
mozilla::dom::ClientSource::SetController(mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor const&)
NEW 17
477305 firefox
NEW 17
704218 firefox
bool js::GCMarker::processMarkStackTop<2u>(JS::SliceBudget&)
NEW 16
595438 firefox
mozilla::dom::RemoteObjectProxyBase::GetOrCreateProxyObject(JSContext*, void*, JSClass const*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*>, bool&) const [clone .constprop.0]
NEW 15
523871 firefox
mozilla::SetCurrentProcessSandbox(mozilla::UniquePtr<sandbox::bpf_dsl::Policy, mozilla::DefaultDelete<sandbox::bpf_dsl::Policy> >)
NEW 15
514944 firefox
DMABufSurfaceYUV::CreateEGLImage(mozilla::gl::GLContext*, int)
NEW 15
701911 firefox
tcmalloc::PageHeap::Delete(tcmalloc::Span*) [clone .cold]
NEW 14
704217 firefox
js::gc::GCRuntime::collect(bool, JS::SliceBudget const&, JS::GCReason)
NEW 14
536385 firefox
NEW 14
714207 firefox
NEW 13
550049 firefox
DdiMedia_CreateConfig(VADriverContext*, VAProfile, VAEntrypoint, _VAConfigAttrib*, int, unsigned int*)
NEW 13
497675 firefox
NEW 12
547971 firefox, caja, gnome-software, chromium, gjs, gnome-control-center, evolution-data-server, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-clocks, gnome-terminal, thunderbird, tracker-miners, nautilus, uresourced
NEW 12
703017 firefox
mozilla::dom::Promise::CreateInfallible(nsIGlobalObject*, mozilla::dom::Promise::PropagateUserInteraction)
NEW 12
702772 firefox
void js::GCMarker::markAndTraverse<2u, js::Shape>(js::Shape*)
NEW 12
528984 firefox
NEW 12
524900 firefox
mozilla::dom::RemoteObjectProxyBase::GetOrCreateProxyObject(JSContext*, void*, JSClass const*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*>, bool&) const
NEW 11
714102 firefox
NEW 11
702844 firefox
NEW 11