Advanced filters

Comma acts as OR, you can use % as a wildcard, at least one backtrace where all three fields are satisfied must exist to show the problem

Version range

ID Component Crash function State External bugs Probably fixed Count
396739 plasma-discover, sddm, AusweisApp2, kweather, mellowplayer, konsole5, yakuake, yubioath-desktop, haruna, parley, gcompris-qt, kamoso, cool-retro-term, plasma-systemsettings, neochat, kde-connect, qt5-qtdeclarative, elisa-player, koko, corectrl, rpi-imager, orion, plasma-systemmonitor, keysmith
vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info
8888 ktorrent, python3, haruna, blender, cool-retro-term, plasma-systemsettings, python3.10, yacreader, deepin-calculator, kwin, dnfdragora, dolphin, mscore, usbguard-notifier
vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info