Advanced filters

Comma acts as OR, you can use % as a wildcard, at least one backtrace where all three fields are satisfied must exist to show the problem

Version range

ID Component Crash function State External bugs Probably fixed Count
616149 rust-alacritty, vlc, xorg-x11-server-Xwayland, easyeffects, gnome-text-editor, kaffeine, sway, rstudio, retroarch, maliit-keyboard, mesa-demos, plasma-systemsettings, nautilus, spectacle, glmark2, webkitgtk, mpv, gnome-calendar, budgie-desktop, plasma-workspace, xonotic, gjs, loupe, gnome-calculator, zenity, xwaylandvideobridge, 0ad, kwin, bottles, plasma-drkonqi, plasma-systemmonitor, totem, baobab, gnome-control-center, gnome-network-displays, virt-manager, cinnamon, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-shell, glava, gnome-console, epiphany, gnome-software, supertuxkart, fractal, corectrl, blender, xfwm4, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, sddm, kitty, obs-studio
NEW 42
643151 vlc, kaffeine
DdiMedia_DestroyImage(VADriverContext*, unsigned int)
NEW 22
10344 kaffeine, krfb
688182 kaffeine
unsigned int crc32<QChar>(QChar const*, unsigned long, unsigned int)