Advanced filters

Comma acts as OR, you can use % as a wildcard, at least one backtrace where all three fields are satisfied must exist to show the problem

Version range

ID Component Crash function State External bugs Probably fixed Count
7661 lxqt-globalkeys, kmail, qgis, kactivitymanagerd, deepin-screenshot, nextcloud-client, kf5-akonadi-server, kf5-kwallet, yarock, lxqt-runner, kf5-baloo, plasma-workspace, qt-creator, lxqt-notificationd, lxqt-openssh-askpass, flameshot, k3b, lxqt-powermanagement, lxqt-policykit, plasma-browser-integration, qt5-qtdeclarative, keepassxc, gambas3, sqlitebrowser, qbittorrent, kdepim-runtime, CPUFreqUtility, lxqt-session, x2goclient, lxqt-panel, kde-cli-tools, scribus, okular
NEW 83
548873 lxqt-policykit