Advanced filters

Comma acts as OR, you can use % as a wildcard, at least one backtrace where all three fields are satisfied must exist to show the problem

Version range

ID Component Crash function State External bugs Probably fixed Count
376279 mu, python-qtconsole, enki, smem, gns3-gui, flent, torbrowser-launcher, electrum, rapid-photo-downloader, puddletag, hplip, spyder, asymptote, Cadence, krop, PyMca, backintime, libffado, dxf2gcode, anki, calibre, cura, frescobaldi, picard
NEW 13
162723 lmms, evolution, rygel, qsstv, timeshift, gnome-shell, mu, gnome-settings-daemon, strawberry, gnome-software, plasma-workspace, gnome-network-displays, goverlay, lollypop, qownnotes, recoll, pulseeffects, xdg-desktop-portal, flatpak, Thunar, simple-scan, heaptrack, conky-manager, cawbird, komikku, PackageKit, gnome-control-center, gnome-boxes, gamescope, xfce4-panel, pgadmin3, elementary-planner, gftp, uget, guitarix, lutris, gnome-calculator, neovim, yarock, evolution-data-server, gnome-initial-setup, stacer, gvfs, gtorrentviewer, gmic, gnome-disk-utility, krdc, wget2, clementine, gnome-passwordsafe, openmsx, remmina, antimicrox, guayadeque, nautilus, nodejs, paperwork, deepin-file-manager
657273 mu