Advanced filters

Comma acts as OR, you can use % as a wildcard, at least one backtrace where all three fields are satisfied must exist to show the problem

Version range

ID Component Crash function State External bugs Probably fixed Count
294111 kdialog, sddm-kcm, notepadqq, knetwalk, kalarm, synergy, dolphin, unetbootin, webextension-token-signing, gqrx, korganizer, knemo, xdg-desktop-portal-kde, OpenImageIO, recoll, umbrello, seafile-client, plasma-systemsettings, cutter-re, rclone-browser, kid3, sweeper, yubikey-manager-qt, ksshaskpass, qtpass, krfb, plasma-welcome, kgpg, gcompris-qt, fcitx5-configtool, step, plasma-workspace, ktp-auth-handler, kcalc, krusader, palapeli, qpdfview, plasma-desktop, kactivitymanagerd, xca, digikam, kolf, ckb-next, kdevelop, k3b, sayonara, v4l-utils, kleopatra, kwin, plasma-discover, kmines, kde-cli-tools, massif-visualizer, gwenview, CutyCapt, flameshot, rpi-imager, pinentry, okteta, freecad, alizams, antimicrox, mumble, kalendar, paraview, knotes, kmag, spectacle, kolourpaint, meshlab, plasma-browser-integration, kdepim-runtime, kcm_wacomtablet, stacer, konversation, kde-connect, choqok, ark, xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt, fancontrol-gui, kmail, konqueror, kmousetool, quentier, ksnip, kf5-kio, kf5-kwallet, rsibreak, ktuberling, icemon, kompare, kdbg, ktorrent, seadrive-gui, kcolorchooser, qt5-qttools, gnuplot, kclock, nextcloud-client, qtwaifu2x, dolphin-emu, radeon-profile, ksystemlog, kf5-kded, kdiff3, android-file-transfer, okular, latte-dock, krecorder, stellarium, cutecom, qterminal, yakuake, kate, pcmanfm-qt, plasma-drkonqi, hotspot, texworks, nomacs, qt-creator, thermald, plasma-systemmonitor, zulucrypt, qt5ct, glogg, kpat, konsole5, khelpcenter, featherpad, x2godesktopsharing, elisa-player, krdc, nm-tray, vlc, qflipper, kmail-account-wizard, kshisen, kdenlive, smb4k, qjackctl, qgit, aqemu
NEW 1,190
636034 kdepim-runtime, kf6-kwallet, kscreen, kdialog, powerdevil, kde-connect, ark, kalarm, kate, dolphin, kmail, cmake, gqrx, plasma-drkonqi, kf6-kded, qt-creator, plasma-discover, xdg-desktop-portal-kde, kde-cli-tools, ktorrent, qbittorrent, wireshark, kwin-x11, krfb, kf6-kio, dolphin-emu, akonadi-search, akonadi-calendar, kgpg, transmission, xwaylandvideobridge, plasma-workspace, kf6-baloo, akonadi-server, plasma-desktop, kactivitymanagerd, plasma-browser-integration
NEW 855
176705 kdialog, fcitx5-qt, kalarm, dolphin, unetbootin, korganizer, knemo, xdg-desktop-portal-kde, seafile-client, plasma-systemsettings, bluedevil, kid3, ksshaskpass, krfb, qtpass, kf5-kinit, kgpg, gcompris-qt, kf5-kglobalaccel, xwaylandvideobridge, plasma-workspace, krusader, plasma-desktop, kactivitymanagerd, ckb-next, powerdevil, v4l-utils, plasma-discover, kde-cli-tools, gwenview, flameshot, CutyCapt, rpi-imager, okteta, kalendar, paraview, libkscreen-qt5, kmag, spectacle, kolourpaint, plasma-browser-integration, kdepim-runtime, kcm_wacomtablet, konversation, kde-connect, kf5-akonadi-calendar, sqlitebrowser, kmail, kmousetool, kf5-kio, kf5-kwallet, avogadro2, ktuberling, kdbg, ktorrent, seadrive-gui, qt5-qttools, gnuplot, nextcloud-client, dolphin-emu, kf5-baloo, radeon-profile, kf5-kded, kdiff3, okular, qmasterpassword, latte-dock, stellarium, kscreen, qterminal, speedcrunch, qt5-qtdeclarative, yakuake, kate, pcmanfm-qt, plasma-drkonqi, qt-creator, plasma-systemmonitor, qt5ct, zulucrypt, glogg, konsole5, khelpcenter, kmail-account-wizard, tiled, smb4k, kf5-akonadi-server, qgit, sddm, aqemu
NEW 604
616149 0ad, kitty, mpv, totem, gnome-text-editor, gjs, easyeffects, glmark2, supertuxkart, plasma-drkonqi, rust-alacritty, xorg-x11-server-Xwayland, kaffeine, blender, kwin, gnome-shell, nautilus, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, xonotic, cinnamon, gnome-system-monitor, plasma-systemmonitor, mesa-demos, rstudio, corectrl, gnome-software, webkitgtk, virt-manager, gnome-console, loupe, sway, vlc, gnome-control-center, xfwm4, retroarch, obs-studio, bottles, glava, maliit-keyboard, xwaylandvideobridge, plasma-workspace, gnome-network-displays, gnome-calculator, sddm, baobab
NEW 308
635312 plasma-workspace, powerdevil, fcitx5-qt
NEW 236
644936 plasma-workspace, gnome-shell, xorg-x11-server-Xwayland, xorg-x11-server
NEW 211
676384 plasma-workspace, plasma-drkonqi
NEW 107
658243 plasma-workspace, powerdevil
NEW 78
676639 plasma-systemsettings, plasma-drkonqi, plasma-workspace, elisa-player, spectacle, plasma-systemmonitor, kf6-kcmutils
NEW 77
658363 plasma-workspace
NEW 76
657453 plasma-workspace
NEW 71
675125 plasma-workspace, spectacle
NEW 68
675165 kf6-kded, kontact, plasma-workspace
NEW 65
497633 grep, gawk, qgis, ibus-libpinyin, qt5-qtwebengine, korganizer, reaver, php, blender, xdg-desktop-portal-kde, control-center, tigervnc, bind, gnome-session, sed, setroubleshoot, procps-ng, coreutils, colord, chromium, devhelp, gnome-clocks, libreport, glibc, wireshark, mariadb, kf5-kinit, epiphany, kgpg, ethtool, fprintd, plasma-workspace, clang, gdk-pixbuf2, gnome-remote-desktop, gnome-calculator, gnome-terminal, pcp, baobab, upower, totem, network-manager-applet, powerdevil, doxygen, tracker-miners, nfs-utils, cinnamon-settings-daemon, openssh, gvfs, gcc, firefox, pipewire-media-session, xorg-x11-server-Xwayland, xfce4-terminal, python-argcomplete, plasma-discover, xorg-x11-server, nautilus, dleyna-renderer, cinnamon, lvm2, man-db, syncthing, polkit-pkla-compat, xdg-user-dirs-gtk, moby-engine, gnome-software, evolution, siril, snapd, vinagre, gnome-calendar, bash, nodejs, gdm, texmaker, ibus, freecad, postfix, libvirt, webkit2gtk3, gnome-keyring, findutils, python3.10, ModemManager, alsa-utils, make, plasma-browser-integration, gedit, kdepim-runtime, initscripts, unzip, pulseaudio, polkit, kde-connect, kf5-akonadi-calendar, accountsservice, PackageKit, NetworkManager, samba, wget, texstudio, filesystem, kde-workspace, spice-vdagent, eog, xfsprogs, qemu-kvm, curl, gnome-system-monitor, kmod, ktorrent, kde-baseapps, nemo, gnome-builder, git, gnupg2, tracker, gnome-boxes, nextcloud-client, prusa-slicer, pam, kf5-baloo, sshpass, evolution-data-server, gnome-online-accounts, ksysguard, systemd, udisks2, falkon, gnome-disk-utility, dhcp, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk, gdb, tilix, imsettings, geoclue2, libreoffice, plank, which, kde-runtime, gnome-games, evince, binutils, qemu, gnome-photos, yakuake, gjs, kate, vte291, pipewire, wmctrl, smartmontools, plasma-drkonqi, emacs, gnome-online-miners, gnome-shell, konsole, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, iptables, xscreensaver, gnome-settings-daemon, bijiben, webkitgtk4, xdg-desktop-portal, kf5-akonadi-search, rpm, tracker3-miners, perl-Pod-Perldoc, speech-dispatcher, nodejs20, xkbcomp, yelp, gnome-control-center, openvswitch, iscsi-initiator-utils, gnome-initial-setup, util-linux, xreader, gnome-contacts, flatpak
NEW 57
670048 plasma-workspace
NEW 48
656484 plasma-workspace
NEW 32
293490 gedit, libreoffice, gawk, totem, pkgconfig, kdevelop, k3b, tracker-miners, gnome-photos, openssh, ark, gjs, seahorse, gvfs, sssd, spice-vdagent, pipewire, eog, gnome-screenshot, emacs, cups, gnome-shell, gnome-settings-daemon, marker, mutter, xdg-desktop-portal, gnome-session, rygel, procps-ng, gwenview, coreutils, chromium, gnome-software, flameshot, gnome-boxes, zenity, nextcloud-client, gnome-calendar, gnome-control-center, epiphany, evolution-data-server, ibus, gnome-online-accounts, systemd, gnome-disk-utility, plasma-workspace, step, okular, gimp, open-vm-tools, gnome-contacts, gnome-terminal, flatpak, wireplumber
NEW 32
657473 plasma-workspace, plasma-discover
NEW 30
658280 plasma-workspace
NEW 28
671596 plasma-workspace
NEW 27
658041 plasma-workspace
NEW 26
670771 plasma-systemmonitor, plasma-workspace, spectacle
NEW 26
676337 plasma-workspace
NEW 24
677060 plasma-workspace, kf5-kio
NEW 23
288535 kdepim-runtime, qt6-qttools, mkvtoolnix, plasma-workspace, qbittorrent, kclock, qt6ct, spectacle, yakuake, krfb, focuswriter, kmail
NEW 22
669970 plasma-workspace
NEW 20
676753 plasma-workspace, spectacle
NEW 20
675485 elisa-player, plasma-workspace, kclock, digikam
NEW 20
670234 plasma-workspace
NEW 18
514174 kdepim-runtime, kf5-kded, kmplot, khelpcenter, plasma-drkonqi, plasma-workspace, plasma-discover, simple-scan, kde-connect, kf5-akonadi-calendar, okular, spectacle, gjs, latte-dock, dolphin, dragon
NEW 17
669885 plasma-systemsettings, plasma-browser-integration, plasma-workspace, plasma-discover, kontact, kde-partitionmanager, dolphin
NEW 17
677030 plasma-workspace
NEW 17
638262 konsole5, kgpg, kf5-kded, plasma-systemsettings, kscreen, plasma-workspace, kf5-kwallet, plasma-discover, xdg-desktop-portal-kde, kde-connect, kf5-akonadi-calendar, kde-cli-tools, ark, keepassxc
NEW 17
676725 kf6-kio, plasma-workspace, plasma-systemsettings, dolphin
NEW 17
675379 plasma-workspace
NEW 16
676925 plasma-workspace
NEW 16
657304 plasma-workspace
NEW 15
674926 plasma-workspace
NEW 15
674965 plasma-workspace
QOpenGLContext::isValid() const
NEW 14
490260 plasma-workspace, firefox, wireplumber
NEW 13